Аналитический материал специально для Центра социальных и интеграционных исследований (ЦСИИ) подготовила Альбина Васильевна Сибирская – экономист-исследователь, специалист ЦСИИ в области мировой экономики, внешнеэкономических отношений, экономической и валютной интеграции, интеграции ЕАЭС, старший научный сотрудник Института экономики Национальной академии наук Беларуси. 9 августа 2021 года Управление по контролю за иностранными активами Министерства финансов США (OFAC) наложило санкции …
About the Center for social and integration investigation
The Center for Social and Integration Investigation (CSII) is a belarusian independent research, information and educational, non-profit organization that studies the problems of social development in Belarus and its international relations. CSII is engaged in analytical, research work, public education, promotes international understanding and cooperation, dialogue of cultures. Thus, he seeks to contribute to the development …
Our vision of the future
Is a society of solidarity democracy of responsible citizens, filled with diverse forms of participation, with a meaningful, meaningful life in which the free development of everyone will become the basis for the free development of everyone. Ethnic, religious and cultural diversity is steadily possible in it, a society where the working man, his creativity …
Our mission and research directions
Our mission Through dialogue and cooperation, educational, educational and research work, public activities and public diplomacy, we open up spaces for building a sovereign civil society and a Eurasian association based on trust. We see a chance to learn from each other and build the future in which we want to live together. Research directions …